Lightweight Deep Learning for Object Detection on Mobile Device
(1) Universal University, Batam
(2) Universal University, Batam
(3) Osaka University, Osaka
(*) Corresponding Author
Computer vision is a research in the development of technology to obtain information from images and replicate or imitate human visual processes, so that computers can know the objects around them. Deep learning is now the key word as a new era in machine learning that trains computers in finding patterns from large amounts of data. The Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) algorithm has proven impressive in terms of performance for detecting objects, image classification and semantic segmentation. Object detection is a technique used to identify the type of object in an image and also the exact location of the object in the image. Face detection is one of the most challenging problems of pattern recognition. Effective training needs to be done to be able to detect faces effectively. The accuracy in face detection using machine learning does not give good results. This research focuses on the level of accuracy of detecting faces using deep learning methods. This study compares the level of accuracy of deep learning and machine learning in detecting faces effective and efficient. This study uses the Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) model in the deep learning method to detect faces in real time on Android. According to the test results, the accuracy obtained in this study reached 97.97% in several normal facial conditions and face masks.
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