Decision Support System for Student Exchange Selection in Support of Independent Campus using the MAUT and ROC Methods

Hetty Rohayani(1), Zaza Mutiara Arini(2*), Kelik Sussolaikah(3), Syahrull Hi Fi Syam(4),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi, Jambi
(2) Budi Darma University, Medan
(3) PGRI Madiun University, Madiun
(4) Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Polytechnic, Perlis
(*) Corresponding Author


Independent campus is an off-campus learning activity as an opportunity for students to hone skills in preparation for entering the world of work. One of the programs held is the exchange of students to be able to study on campuses or companies that join the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology. With the current independent campus program, almost all universities open up opportunities for students to register. However, because there are too many students who register, the campus has difficulty in choosing some students who can be accepted according to the criteria set by the party. For this reason, a Decision Support System is needed that applies the MAUT method along with the use of ROC to produce the best preference value. The calculation of several data samples resulted in the best final utility value in the selection of independent campus student exchanges in Alternative A2 with the best final utility value of 0.9700


Independent Campus; Student Exchange; MAUT Method; ROC Method; DSS

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