Decision Support System for Determining New Branch Location Applying the MAUT Method with ROC Weighting

Mesran Mesran(1*), Ade Ayunda Kusuma(2), Ridha Maya Faza Lubis(3),

(1) Budi Darma University, Medan
(2) Budi Darma University, Medan
(3) Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
(*) Corresponding Author


The new branch location is close to people's activities with the availability of adequate facilities, making it convenient for consumers to access the services/products they need. The determination of the feasibility of a new branch location by several product or service producers still uses an inaccurate system, which can lead to problems in determining a strategic and targeted new branch location. However, there are some challenges in selecting a new branch location, so the utilization of technology is considered efficient, easy, and flexible, widely used by entrepreneurs, especially in determining new branch locations. This is done by using the assistance of a decision support system, which is expected to help determine an efficient and strategic new branch location. The aid comes in the form of a Decision Support System using the MAUT method with ROC weighting. After calculating each criterion and alternative, the best ranking is obtained for alternative A6 with a value of 0.6847. This way, business groups will not have difficulty in determining a new branch location through alternatives and criteria. The use of the MAUT method with ROC weighting is expected to assist in obtaining the best and valid alternatives up to the ranking stage


DSS; New Branch Location; MAUT Method; ROC Method

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