Penerapan Algoritma Inverted Elias Delta Untuk Kompresi Konten Pada Aplikasi Psikologi Berbasis Android

Krisna Monita R Hutahaean(1*),

(1) Universitas Budi Darma, Medan
(*) Corresponding Author


In an era of increasingly sophisticated technology like today, the high activity of data storage and transmission creates a problem where a large storage space is required. The larger data size can lead to wasteful storage space and slow data transmission process online or offline. Data storage that is getting longer will result in piling up more and more data. This data accumulation is a problem, especially in terms of availability of storage space. Along with current technological developments, the ability to process data is increasingly developing, namely by utilizing compression methods which are expected to answer these problems. The Inverted Elias Delta algorithm is used to compress database records in the Psychology application in order to reduce the bit size of a character. So, applying the Inverted Elias Delta algorithm to compress the record database can reduce storage capacity optimally on a smartphone (handphone)


Compression; Record Database; Inverted Elias Delta

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Jurnal Riset Teknik Informatika dan Data Sains
Asosiasi Peneliti Data Science Indonesia
Jalan Sisingamangaraja No 338, Simp. Limun, Medan, Sumatera Utara
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