Analisa Metode CRC 32 Untuk Mendeteksi Orisinalitas File Video
Sri Wahyuni Siregar
(1) Universitas Budi Darma, Medan
(*) Corresponding Author
One of the courses in higher education, especially in the field of computers, is cryptography. The rapid development of technology today proves that it is easy to commit crimes using computer science in the video field. In addition, from time to time more and more free video editing software and easier to use. However, the development of this technology is often misused by cases of scattered videos that cannot be trusted by the public. Video file forgery is an act of modifying documents, products, images or videos among other media. This video, which is very easy to edit and fake, has made many irresponsible people destroy the authenticity of the video and spread the video to social media so that the information or message in the video can change its authenticity. Computer-based learning is one way to improve the quality of learning. Various methods that can be applied in computer-based learning, one of which is CRC32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) can be used to ensure the integrity of the data to be transmitted or stored. CRC works in a simple way, namely by using a mathematical calculation of a number called a checksum, which is made based on the total bits to be transmitted or to be stored. CRC is designed in such a way as to ensure data integrity against random degradation due to noise or other sources (media corruption etc.). So that later the learning application that will be made can help students in the process of answering about material concerning the authenticity of a video file more easily and can be understood using the CRC32 method. In addition, it is hoped that the learning application which will be made more interactive is able to attract students' interest to be more curious
Video File Originality; CRC32; Cyclic Redundancy Check Method
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Jurnal Riset Teknik Informatika dan Data Sains
Asosiasi Peneliti Data Science Indonesia
Jalan Sisingamangaraja No 338, Simp. Limun, Medan, Sumatera Utara
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