Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Calon Peserta Cerdas Cermat Tingkat SMA Menerapkan Metode ROC dan WP

Frayogi Aditiya(1*), Mesran Mesran(2),

(1) Universitas Budi Darma, Medan
(2) Universitas Budi Darma, Medan
(*) Corresponding Author


Quiz is a competition which is usually in the form of a team consisting of 3 (three) people where one of the three participants is the spokesperson who will answer the questions given by the guide in the quiz competition and the winner is the person who succeeds in answering the questions in the quiz competition. questions are given quickly and accurately with the highest score calculation results. In the selection of prospective participants, careful scrutiny has a problem. The problem faced in this research is that the teacher at the school in determining the prospective intelligent participants only provides an assessment based on the achievements of the students themselves, even though there are several criteria used in this study, namely the experience of scrutiny, achievement, class average value, activity , Confidence and Behavior. In order to assist the teachers in schools in selecting prospective participants, an SPK is needed. The ROC and WP methods are one of the methods that can be used in terms of problem solving, which can provide assistance to the school in determining the selection of prospective participants. As for the results of this study is the alternative A25 with a value of 0.128 in the name of "Leo"

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Jurnal Riset Teknik Informatika dan Data Sains
Asosiasi Peneliti Data Science Indonesia
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